Hi, this is Meng-Chu.
multi-disciplinary designer focusing on visual identity, typography & experimental work.

︎︎︎About Me

Selected Projects:

The National Gallery (Identity)
Taiple  (Website)
Starbucks Commercial (Campaign)
Art Serve as a Form of Happiness (Interactive)
Moholy Nagy (Publication)
Object Poem Series (Packaging)

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/ STARBUXX, 2023
   Campaign Design/ Art Direction/ Motion Design/ Copywriting
   Role: Designer, Art director
   Duration: 1 min 40sec
   Instructor: Pryoshi

Starbucks Rebrands as 'Starbuxx' on National Apology Day:
A Case Study Campaign to Make Things Right

Introducing the Starbuxx campaign! It's all about encouraging Starbucks to make things right with their loyal customers on National Apology Day. We've noticed that sometimes, Starbucks baristas accidentally misspell names, and it's been getting a lot of attention lately, especially on TikTok! People are sharing their experiences with funny videos, and it's become a bit of a trend. So, we thought, why not turn this into a positive opportunity for Starbucks to connect with their customers in a fun way?

We're suggesting that on May 26th, National Apology Day, Starbucks changes its name to "Starbuxx" just for the day. It's a light-hearted way to show that they're listening and willing to make things right while joining in on the latest trends.

The following material was used for the creation of student work. All rights belong to the original copyright holders.